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1. biografia

MessaggioInviato: 14/10/2013, 0:09
da Amministratore
cap, città, Danimarca
sito web:
luogo e data di nascita: Aalborg, Danimarca, 12 novembre 1981

Formazione e studi:
ha studiato con numerosi compositori in Danimarca e all’estero: con Walter Zimmermann a Berlino, e con Niels Rosing-Schow, Bent Sørensen e Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg alla Royal Danish Academy of Music di Copenaghen, dove ha concluso gli studi in composizione e elettroacustica nel 2010. Ha approfondito gli studi presso l’Ircam dal 2010 al 2012. Ha frequentato masterclass con Phillippe Leroux, Phillippe Manoury, Hans Peter Kyburz, Dennis Smalley, Ivan Fedele, Rolf Wallin e Adriana Hölszky. Oltre agli studi in composizione, ha studiato direzione d’orchestra con Pierre-André Valade a Parigi.
il suo lavoro è stato premiato con numerose borse di studio, tra cui la borsa per giovani musicisti della Fondazione Léonie Sonning Music e due borse dalla Danish Arts Foundation, la prima quando era solo diciannovenne e la seconda cinque anni dopo.
Impegni artistici e commissioni:
la sua musica è stata eseguita da ensemble quali London Sinfonietta, Ensemble Alternance, Ensemble Tm+, Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen, Uusinta Ensemble, Curious Chamberplayers, Esbjerg Ensemble, Contemporánea e Trio Gáman. Inoltre è stata eseguita a festival come il Festival Printemps des Arts a Monte-Carlo, Nordic Musc Days, Young Nordic Music e Pulsar.
Nel 2009 è diventato direttore dell’Ensemble Contemporána, un ensemble danese specializzato nel suonare musica elettronica. Dal 2012 è direttore artistico di Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen ( e Athelas New Music Festival.
Attività creativa:
Attività critica, didattica e di studio:
Aforismi e poetiche

Catalogo opere (editori: Edition-s
Work No. 14 - D: 06:00 Y: 2012-13 I: clarinet, violin, cello, piano. >> score
Waiting. Counting., Work No. 13 - D: 11:00 Y: 2013 I: percussion-solo, orchestra, electronics >> score
Examples of Dust, Work No. 12 - D: 17:00 Y: 2011-12 I: small orchestra, live-elctronics >> score
Sonata in Seven Movements, Work No. 11 - D: 13:00 Y: 2011 I: piano-solo >> score
Streams, Work No. 10 - D: 05:00 Y: 2011 I: baritone-saxophone, live-electronics
Divertimento, Work No. 9 - D: 17:00 Y: 2010-11 I: ensemble >> score
Concerto for piano and Orchestra, Work No. 8 - D: 18:00 Y: 2009-10 I: piano-solo orchestra >> score
dust encapsulated #2, Work No. 7 - D: 12:00 Y: 2009 I: flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano >> score
dust encapsulated #1 (counting is OK), Work No. 6 - D: 10:00 Y: 2008-9 I: percussion-solo, electronics >> score
objets/decalage, Work No. 5 - D: 07:00 Y: 2008 I: recorder, accordion, violin >> score
Destruct[urat]ion #4, Work No. 4 - D: 07:00 Y: 2007, 2009 I: cello-solo, live-electronics >> score
La Rose pulvérisée, Work No. 3 - D: 07:00 Y: 2007 I: flute, violin >> score
Les nuits du pays des rages, Work No. 2 - D: 20:00 Y: 2002-4 I: string quartet
Trio, Work No. 1 - D: 01:30 Y: 2000 I: flute, percussion, violin


English translation:
Training and education:studied with many composers in Denmark and abroad with Walter Zimmermann in Berlin, and with Niels Rosing-Schow, Bent Sørensen and Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, where he completed his studies in composition and electroacoustic
in 2010. He furthered his studies at IRCAM from 2010 to 2012. He attended master classes with Phillippe Leroux, Phillippe Manoury, Hans Peter Kyburz, Dennis Smalley, Ivan Fedele, Rolf Wallin and Adriana Hölszky. In addition to studies in composition, he studied conducting with Pierre-André Valade at Paris.
Competitions: his work has been honored with numerous scholarships, including the bag for young musicians from the Léonie Sonning Music Foundation and two grants from the Danish Arts Foundation, the first when he was only nineteen years old and the second five years later.
Engagements and commissions: his music has been performed by ensembles such as the London Sinfonietta, Ensemble Alternance, Ensemble Tm +, Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen, Uusinta Ensemble, Curious ChamberPlayers, Esbjerg Ensemble, and Contemporánea Trio Gaman. She has also been performed at festivals such as the Festival Printemps des Arts in Monte-Carlo, Nordic Musc Days, Young Nordic Music and Pulsar.
In 2009 he became director of the Ensemble Contemporána, a Danish ensemble specialized in playing electronic music. Since 2012 he is artistic director of Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen ( and Athelas New Music Festival.
Creative activity:
Critical activity, teaching and study:
Aphorisms and poetry

The music published in OctandreProject is exclusively dedicated to divulgation purposes and not commercial. This within a program shared to study classic educational music of the 1900'/music today which involves thousands of people around the world. If someone, for any reason, would deem that a video appearing in OctandreProject violates the copyright, please inform us immediately and it will be our care to remove immediately the copyrighted material accordingly.
(La musica pubblicata in OctandreProject è dedicata esclusivamente alla divulgazione per scopi non commerciali. Questo all'interno di un programma educativo per studiare musica del 1900/musiche d’oggi e si rivolge ad una platea internazionale. Se qualcuno, per qualsiasi motivo, ritiene che materiali che appaiono in OctandreProject violano il diritto d'autore, vi preghiamo di informarci e sarà nostra cura rimuovere immediatamente il materiale indicato.)